Accounting Features

Invoiceit!Pro Contacts Import Guide in detail

How to import clients and other contacts

How to import clients and other contacts
    Setup Menu - Import/Export button - Data Import/Export screen:

  1. From the 'Select Data Type' dropdown, select Spreadsheet
  2. From the green dropdown, select 'Contacts'
  3. Double-click the large panel at the bottom to open the client import template (it is located in your program folder ...invoiceit!Pro52import).
  4. From the File menu, select 'Save As' and select a destination or new name and click Save. A backup has now been made of the template.
  5. From File Menu, select Open and locate your old data spreadsheet and double-click it. Your existing data should be in XLS or CSV format.
  6. Click anywhere in existing data, press Ctrl+A (to select all) - all cells are highlighted
  7. Switch back to the import template

    On Import template ImportContacts.xls: 
    (to use CSV file refer the entry bottom of page)
  8. Click on OldData tab at the bottom
  9. Select Cell A1 and press Ctrl+C (to paste all data into this worksheet) Copy one column at a time from OldData to Import, ensure you match each column by content. Alternatively, arrange the columns of OldData, so they are in the same order as those of the Import tab, then copy all columns to Import tab in one go. 

    To move a column:
    1. Select a column you want to move (click on Letter at top of column)
    2. Press Ctrl+X (to cut the column data)
    3. Select a column to the right of where you want to move your selection.
    4. From the Insert menu, select 'Cut Cells'. (column and data has been moved)

    Copy ALL data from OldData to Import tab (must be in same order as Import tab)
    1. Click anywhere in OldData, press Ctrl+A (to select all), then Ctrl+C (to copy all)
    2. Switch to the worksheet 'Import' (the tab at the bottom), click on cell A2 and press Ctrl+V (to paste all). You now have transferred your data to the import template. If your old data contained column headers, delete them now (select Row 2 and delete) 

      Complete Import:
    3. From the File Menu, select 'Save' (or press Ctrl+S).
    4. Close the spreadsheet and switch back to invoiceit!
    5. Click on the Import button and it's done.

Destination columns in detail: 

Column Field Name Type/Size
A ClientID Unique
B CType Number
C Company Text/5
D CDate Date
E ClientName Text/50
F Sort Text/5
G Salutation Text/25
H Address1 Text/50
I Address2 Text/50
J City Text/50
K State Text/5
L Zip Text/10
M Country Text/2
N Phone Text/50
O Fax Text/50
P Mobile Text/50
Q Email Text/50
R ContactName Text/40
S VATCode Text/2
T VATNo Text/20
U NoCredit Text/50
V CreditLimit Number
W CreditPeriod Number
X GroupID Text/3
Y StaffID Number
Z PriceLevel Number
AA Notes Text/no limit
AB Taxable1 Text/5
AC Taxable2 Text/5
AD Taxable3 Text/5
AE Taxable4 Text/5
AF ShipName Text/50
AG ShipAdd1 Text/50
AH ShipAdd2 Text/50
AI ShipCity Text/50
AJ ShipState Text/5
AK ShipZip Text/10
AL ShipPhone Text/30
AM ShipCountry Text/2

Using CSV file: a CSV file (comma-separated values) opens with Excel or equivalent spreadsheet program. It does not have tabs at the bottom so you need to paste each data column from your original into the appropriate column of the Import template.